Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Civil Wars

On the day of my birthday, my friend and I, who by the way was also celebrating his birthday on the same day, went all the way out to Charlottesville, Virginia to watch The Civil Wars live.

Now what better way to celebrate our birthdays than by watching a live performance of one of our favorite duos.
I madly heart these two, I mean, whats not to love about Joy Williams and John Paul White?! They are far better than any duo group I can think of. The both have perfect harmonies, incredible range, and such powerful voices. It was hard for me to believe that I wasn't just watching them on you tube, but I was actually adoring their unbelievable voices and their infectious chemistry just a couple feet away. Goodness gracious, these two can undoubtedly deliver an astounding performance, which by the way made me all squrmish inside! If you haven't heard their beautiful tunes, I highly suggest you check them out!

Before The Civil Wars took place on the stage, Milo Greene opened up the show. I was kinda disappointed in myself for not knowing who they were before hearing them live because they are the bees knees!
They certainly set an enthusiastic performance, I have never seen so many concert goers awed and speechless after a performance. Not only was I amazed at their flawless four piece harmonies, but also the fact that after every song they switched instruments. Milo Greene is definitely worth checking out. I hope to see them again live in the near future.
  Overall it was a beautiful performance, beautiful night, and a beautiful birthday.

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